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Journey Crafting Blog/ClickFunnels 2.0/How To Write A Blog Post On ClickFunnels 2.0

How To Write A Blog Post On ClickFunnels 2.0

The Journey to the CF 2.0 Blog post debacle! It all started when we received our first access to the new ClickFunnels 2.0 workspaces portal... we were so excited to test out new things and see how ClickFunnels has managed to improve on their already great software.

We were building hubs in competition with the other early access holders, playing around with the style guide and wanting to post our first ever Journey Crafting blog posts online... but to our utter dismay we just could not figure out how to actually post a real blog with real content inside. 

Every time we thought we got it, we were only editing the template on which our words would lie. 

But TODAY! today was the day that I finally found the trick to get our blog content out into the wild!

So here is my step by step of actually creating a blog post in the new ClickFunnels 2.0!!

Step 1: From your dashboard go to 'sites'.

Step 2: Click on 'blog".

Step 3: On the blog tab you will find example posts that CF 2.0 has placed there for us. Click on the icon that says 'duplicate post'  next to any of the existing blog posts and press on proceed.

Step 4: Reload your blog page so that the duplicated post can be viewed in the blog tab.

Step 5: Click on the gear icon next to the newly duplicated page so that you can rename the post.

Step 6: Change the title, summary, image, author, category, SEO title, SEO description, URL path, and tags all on this screen. You can leave your post as a draft for now, until you have created the content. 

Step 7: On that same page, directly below 'title' and 'summary' (these you just changed in step 6) click on 'edit post body content'. This will take you to what seems to be the blog content editor. BUT be careful you might be in the template edit section!

Step 8: In the left navigation menu you will find 2 tabs, Posts & Templates. In the posts tab you will find 'blog home', ' blog category' and then all the blog posts you have (drafts and public). Select the blog you want to edit. And let the page load.

Step 9: It might seem like you are not achieving anything except getting back to the template editor with the only option on the page 'edit template' BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Your scroll will not work on your pad or mouse, so take your curser to the right of your screen and manually scroll down the page... AH-HA!! You will now see an editable section on your screen called 'DYNAMIC PAGE CONTENT'. Click on the + and add a new section, then a row, and then your headline element, paragraph element, images and so forth to write the actual blog content! Add everything you want for your blog post to go live.

Step 10: Click save.

Step 11: In the left navigation menu, click on the gear icon next to your blog's name, we now want to make our blog post public. On the edit blog screen, set you blog as public and click save & close in the right bottom corner. 

You can now preview you blog post, and you will also find it on your blog page (if this is already set up.)

And that's how you write your blog content in the new ClickFunnels 2.0 workspace.

Happy blogging!!

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Hi, I Am Andrea Peer

CEO Of Journey Crafting

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